Much like with all of your fish purchases, when it comes time to arrange for your next smoked salmon delivery, you will naturally only want the best. There are a couple of ways to guarantee that your smoked salmon will be the highlight of your next dinner party. We’ll walk you through what to consider.

But before you buy your salmon, you’ll need to find a provider that suits your needs and budget. We’ve compiled the below price grid to allow buyers to price check across categories and offerings.

Company Min. Smoked Salmon Order Price/lb Min $/Order Shipping* Go To
Vital Choice 2 lbs $40.00 $92.95 $12.95
Lummi Island Wild .25 lbs $44.00 $56.00 $45.00
Global Seafoods 2.5 lbs $44.00 $125.39 $15.39
Sizzlefish 1.5 lbs $55.96 $83.95 $55.00
Fulton Fish Market .2 lbs $69.50 $33.94 $20.04

What is the Best Salmon to Smoke?

When you purchase smoked salmon for sale, there are particular types of salmon you should prioritize. Wild-caught fish is considered by many to offer the best smoked meat. However, for salmon, each type of salmon also possesses a distinct flavor and texture from the other types. As a result, all salmon will taste different once exposed to the smoke, as well as the wood or coal used to prepare the fish. Therefore, it is largely down to personal preference which fish makes for the best smoked salmon.

  • Smoked King Salmon is a popular and easy option for the fish lover who is smoking salmon at home for the first time. The type of salmon is considered one of the most prized fishes in Alaska and it is highly difficult to catch given its propensity for swimming in the deepest part of the river. The fish’s high oil content is beneficial because the meat is prone to absorbing the smoke flavor more thoroughly than other types.
  • Another popular salmon to smoke is Smoked Sockeye Salmon. Like Smoked King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon possesses a high oil content. As a result, the meat thoroughly absorbs the wood smoke and the resulting taste is sweet, salty and smoky. Sockeye is also considered the best smoked salmon due to its dense flesh. The fish is extraordinarily firm and stays that way throughout the duration of the smoking process.
  • It would be a mistake to overlook the benefits of Smoked Keta Salmon. The salmon is ideal if you are on a budget, but you should not dismiss it for its lower price. The salmon type’s texture is firm and it possesses a strong taste. However, the texture relaxes when the fish is smoked and the taste grows sweeter. It will take more time to smoke due to its lower oil content, but it is considered worth the wait and remains one of the best salmon types to smoke.
  • Wood Chips to Use for Best Smoked Salmon

    Although the smoker is the star of the show on smoking day, the wood you select is also crucial. Hardwood chips are one of the easy-to-use options for smoking. The chips will give your salmon a subtle flavor. For those salmon lovers who reside in the Pacific Northwest, alder is the most common wood for smoking the fish. Other people may use hickory, but also consider apple, oak, maple, and pecan to be suitable options.

    If you are smoking over a low heat, you will want to avoid mesquite. Mesquite burns too hot and fast. Whichever option you choose, make sure you have about eight cups of chips to guarantee the best smoked salmon.

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