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The State of Maine Department of Marine Resources is a department in the State government devoted to conserving and developing marine resources. The Department helps regulate and control fishing operations and sourcing. In that way, they contribute to Maine’s seafood product quality. Without this type of regulation, for both marine life and consumer protection, Maine would not have a reputation for providing sustainably sourced and high-quality seafood.


Maine Department of Marine Resources Mission

The mission of the Maine Department of Marine Resources is included in the State’s legislature. Their purpose is to, “conserve and develop marine and estuarine resources; to conduct and sponsor scientific research; to promote and develop the Maine coastal fishing industries.” In essence, this department is designed to regulate Maine’s seafood industry and implement sustainability and resource conservation measures. The Department also cooperates with local, state, and federal officials to patrol and regulate coastal waters. If you’re fishing in Maine without the appropriate permits and licenses, this is the Department of the government that will hold you accountable.


The Maine Department of Marine Resources’ Work

The Maine Department of Marine Resources undertakes several types of work. The Department runs multiple advisory councils to help regulate aspects of Maine’s marine ecosystem and industry. These advisory councils are designed to protect and control the following:

  • Aquaculture
  • Lobster
  • Scallops
  • Seaweed Fisheries
  • Sea Urchins
  • Shellfish

By setting the number of fishing permits and licenses allowed, they contribute to maintaining a sustainable relationship with the ocean’s resources. The Department also patrols marine waters and assists in marine science research, including biological monitoring and assessment, marine education, and managing sea-run fisheries and habitats.

The Department of Marine Resources also contributes to the State’s Bureau of Public Health by monitoring water quality and biotoxins in the ocean. They also run a shellfish dealer certification and inspection program, which helps protect shellfish consumers, and municipal shellfish management, which protects marine life. The Department also coordinates fisheries management, coastal development, and educational tools with associated organizations and programs.


How the State of Maine Department of Marine Resources Can Help You

If you’ve purchased live lobster online, you’ve almost certainly benefited from the work of the Maine Department of Marine Resources. The Department sets regulations and notices regarding the number of lobster licenses and trap tags issued in the state. This prevents overfishing, which will help contribute to future generations enjoying Maine lobster. To that end, regulating the lobster industry ensures the crustaceans caught are of a certain weight and quality, allowing you to feel confident in your lobster purchase – whether you’re buying meat or a live crustacean.

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