You may be noticing more impacts of the recent supply chain shortages in your grocery store, especially if you are trying to find king crab legs for sale. The seafood industry is dealing with high demand, low supply, and backed up supply chains. All these factors make it hard for consumers to find quality seafood for a decent price in their local grocery stores, king crab legs included. You can look online for crab legs to have more success with buying quality king crab legs.


Remaining 2021 King Crab Season Outlook

The 2021 king crab season saw many challenges with dwindling crab populations and several season closures. These challenges will carry over into 2022 and continue to impact the king crab market. King crab fishers are in a tough situation with a stunted season and are trying to make the most of the remainder of the season.

King crab has a shorter season in the winter months before their main season which runs from February to June. Alaska has recently cancelled the abbreviated winter season entirely to prevent further loss and allow the industry to restore. The unique circumstances of the 2021 season mean that king crab will be pricier than normal and in less supply.

Find King Crab Legs for Sale Online

When you shop for crab legs online, you have the advantage of being able to compare prices between sellers. You should expect prices to be higher, but you can often get a discount on orders you place online. Many sellers offer free shipping on orders above a minimum amount or a bulk discount rate on orders. If you choose to shop for king crab in the grocery store any time during the holiday season, you will still face higher prices, but you will have limited options.

Now is a good time to find king crab legs for sale if you are going to serve them throughout the holidays. Prices are subject to change, so when you see a good price online, you should place your order.


How to Store King Crab Legs 

When you buy king crab legs for sale online, stores ship them frozen to your house. You will need to properly store the crab legs to keep them frozen until you are ready to prepare the legs. King crab legs can keep in the freezer for a few months. Before you prepare the crab, you should let the crab thaw in the refrigerator.

Be sure to check the expected delivery date and plan to be home when they arrive. You need to swiftly get the crab legs into the freezer if you are not cooking with them that day. The crab legs should remain frozen throughout their journey, especially if you order them in the winter months. However, there is always the chance that the crab legs have started to thaw in the packaging. For this reason, being at your house to receive the shipment of the crab legs is key to storing them to maintain freshness.

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